Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy New Year..Shake, Shake, Shake!

So I'm a little late to the game here, but Happy New Year! Is it just me, or are you really excited for 2014? I have this wonderful feeling that 2014 will be filled with adventures, new realizations of who I am, and a year of friendship, happiness and fun. Wow, do I sound optimistic! I have been thinking about my goals and aspirations for this year. What do I want to accomplish? Who do I want to be? As I near the age of 30 I am constantly trying to understand if I have become the woman I had always imagined I would be. Am I kind? Am I caring? Am I the type of friend that would drop everything in a minute to be with a friend in need? Am I spontaneous? Am I a good example for others? Do I make a difference in this world if even on the smallest scale? If I were to look back on my life would I have any regrets? These are the questions that keep me up at night, plus a thousand more! And honestly, I don't think I can answer these questions every day with a true yes. But there are other days where I can say for sure I am happy with the person I have morphed into over these 28 years on earth. That being said, I want this year to be a fresh start, a fresh outlook, a fresh everything.
Happy Days wine tasting in Loudon County

My good friend Kristen sent me a link a little over two weeks ago. It was a 100 day challenge. And she challenged me to join in on the fun. The purpose is to take a picture each day for 100 days of something that has made you happy. How great is that?!! You can check it out here: 100happydays
A good book definitely makes me happy: Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight! 
I am on Day 17, and it has made me appreciate the small things in my life that really make me happy. The challenge has made me look forward to finding that perfect picture to capture my feeling of joy. It has had a truly positive affect on my mood. It isn't a competition about who can get the best picture or who is the happiest person in the world. It is about being thankful for what we do have and keeping the focus on positive instead of the negative. They say that 71% of people fail at completing the 100 days. This girl, hopefully, will not be one of them.
And this mornings sunrise gave life to this good morning shake! 
Speaking of happy, this good morning shake definitely amps the happy! It is fruity, nutritious, satisfying, and so so easy. The perfect way to start the day. It's packed with electrolytes from the coconut water, heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids from the flaxseed, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B6, and manganese from the fruits! It only comes in at about 150 calories, so pair it with a slice of whole grain bread slathered with almond butter and you have a complete and delicious breakfast.

Mixed Fruit Good Morning Shake Shake Shake
1 small ripe banana (I like using really ripe almost brown bananas for lots of flavor!)
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
3-4 small frozen strawberries
Handful of fresh blackberries (you can totally use frozen)
2 Tbsp. ground golden flaxseed
1/2 cup-3/4 cup Coconut Water (depending on how thick you like your shakes)
juice from half a large lemon

Blend all ingredients together with an immersion blender or regular blender. Enjoy with your favorite straw!

Here is to a happy 2014! Can't wait to share more delicious recipes with you all. Love to all!

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